Redux Bad Practices #5: New Objects On The Fly

Adam Klein
2 min readFeb 27, 2019


Consider the following code:

mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
currentUser: {
id: state.currentUserId, role: state.currentRole

The example above will always return a new object for currentUser and will force the component to re-render. The same idea applies to returning a new array (e.g. by using map, filter, concat), and anonymous functions.

Either pass the id and role as flat properties:

mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
currentUserId: state.currentUserId,
currentUserRole: state.currentRole

Or use a selector that returns currentUser from state:

mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
currentUser: selectCurrentUser(state)

Notice that passing an anonymous function will also create a new reference. So try to avoid code like this if you need a performant component:

<MyComp onEvent={ () => this.doSomething() } otherProps={ ... }/>

The () => doSomething() anonymous function will have a different reference each time we render MyComp, and will cause it to re-render even if it's a pure component (a component that re-renders only when state or props change).

Alternatively, you could pass a pre-bound function that is only initialized once:

bindedEventCallback = () => {}
render() {
return <MyComp
onEvent={ this.bindedEventCallback }
otherProps={ ... }/>;

Or use the useCallback hook that memoizes the callback:

myComp() {
const bindedEventCallback = useCallback(() => {});

return <MyComp
onEvent={ bindedEventCallback }
otherProps={ ... }/>;

All articles in this series:

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Adam Klein
Adam Klein

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